I was cleaning up files on my
computer when I was struck by contrasting photographs of the Ichetucknee that
were taken in two different decades.
One set of photos from the 1960s reveals
the thriving, mirror-clear underwater world that I remember from my first
tubing and snorkeling trips. The second set, taken recently, reveals an aquatic
landscape that is by turns barren, greenishly murky and coated with brown
What changed in the last 50 years?
Scientists tell us that the
Ichetucknee has lost about one-quarter of its historical average flow because increased
groundwater pumping—from within the springshed to as far away as Jacksonville—has
reduced the amount of water available to the springs and the river. Pollution
from lawn and agricultural fertilizers, stormwater runoff, and animal and human
waste has fed the brown algae that darken the water and coat the once-green eelgrass.
These problems of reduced
flow/supply and increased pollution now plague most of our springs, rivers and
lakes in North Florida.
We can’t blame anyone else. We’ve
done this to ourselves.
Imagine an alien anthropologist—let’s
call her “AliAn”—looking at our culture from the outside, studying the ways we use
and abuse water. AliAn would conclude that we place little monetary value on
clean, abundant water and that we believe our behavior has no effect on our
springs, rivers, or lakes. AliAn might also say that we are avoiding
responsibility for being wise stewards of our water wealth and squandering
long-term water security in exchange for short-term economic gains.
Why are we behaving like this?
First, I think it’s because we haven’t emotionally acknowledged the
international, spiritual, cultural, economic and ecological significance of the
Springs Heartland of Planet Earth—the greatest concentration of freshwater
springs in the world. Second, it’s because—in a classic example of “the tragedy
of the commons”— individuals, elected representatives, and government agency
heads have failed to make the difficult decisions required to keep our waters
healthy. Third, it’s because we’re ignoring the fact that nitrate pollution in the
springs is warning us of looming public health threats to our drinking water
That’s the bad news.
The good news is that we can
choose to change both our behavior and our culture.
Culture change happens in a myriad
of ways, some “top down,” some “bottom up,” and others in combination. Top-down
change requires visionary leadership that motivates people to adjust their
behavior and/or enacts laws with stiff penalties for not doing so. Bottom-up
change happens when people decide on their own to make individual changes that
influence others and, eventually, the whole culture.
Given the lack of state-level water
protection that has brought the Ichetucknee to its current murky condition, I
think we the people must lead the revolution in the ways we are living with
water if we want to save our springs. Luckily, Gainesville writer Cynthia
Barnett has provided us with a way forward in her guidelines for a Florida
water ethic.
Barnett’s guidelines grew out of
her book, Blue Revolution: Unmaking America’s Water Crisis, and
are featured in the Ichetucknee Alliance’s display on view through August 27 at
the Smithsonian’s Water/Ways exhibition in High Springs. According to Barnett,
a Florida water ethic requires that: (1) Floridians value water, from appreciating local streams to
being willing to pay an appropriate price for water; (2) We work together to pollute less and use less; (3) We try to keep water local in order to avoid the financial,
environmental and energy costs of long-distance transfers; (4) We avoid the two big mistakes of our history: over-tapping our natural supplies and
over-relying on the costliest fixes that bring unintended consequences to
future generations; and (5) We leave water in nature—in aquifers, wetlands and rivers—so
that our children and grandchildren, with benefit of time and evolving knowledge,
can make their own decisions about water.
What can you do to promote this
water ethic? Visit your local water body regularly and notice how it changes
over time. Educate yourself about our water problems. Talk to your families,
friends, co-workers and congregations. Contact your local water organization
and learn how you can help by using your best talent—what you love to do—to
support the work of that group. Attend and speak up at meetings of agencies that
set or enforce public water policy. Communicate your concerns to your elected
representatives. Know that elections are important. Vote wisely! Vote for people
who are willing to make tough decisions and who will champion a new Florida
water ethic.
Remember that silence indicates
agreement with the status quo. If enough of us act, we can change our culture
and save our springs.
To Learn More
To Learn More
Changes in the Ichetucknee
See the restoration plan prepared by the Howard T. Odum
Florida Springs Institute:
Tragedy of the Commons
This term describes what happens when people choose or are
permitted to satisfy their personal economic desires in ways that damage a
shared public resource, to the extent that the resource then becomes
unavailable to some or all of the people who need it. See:
One popular argument for granting unlimited numbers of water
use permits deals with private property rights: “It’s my property and I can do whatever I want with it.” But
what happens if that right affects the supply of clean water available to your
neighbor or the Floridan aquifer? Many of us own cars, but we agree to follow
traffic laws so we don’t kill each other on the road. Should a similar
agreement to not damage our waters be part of a Florida water ethic?
Florida Water Ethic
Cynthia Barnett explains the idea of a water ethic in her
book Blue Revolution: Unmaking America’s Water Crisis
(Beacon Press), named one of the 10 best science books of 2011 by The Boston Globe. Her guidelines for a
Florida water ethic were originally published by the Collins Center for Public
Policy in “Our Water, Our Florida.” Barnett has since revised those guidelines
to include mention of pollution. See:
For more information about Barnett and her work, see:
For more information about Barnett and her work, see:
This article originally appeared in the August 2016 issue of "The Observer," a free monthly tabloid (circulation 5000 copies) distributed in the High Springs/Alachua/Newberry/Jonesville/Fort White areas of North Florida. Many thanks to publisher Barbara Llewellyn for her kind permission to post it here.